June Songs


I can’t believe it’s already Thursday. I can’t believe it’s already June.  I had friends in town and then I had family in town and now the house is quiet and it’s time to relax on the stoop. This is what’s been playing on the record player lately.




Here We Go Magic, “Everything’s Big”: Paul Simon meets Devotchka in a traveling circus caravan, or something.


Led Zeppelin, “Night Flight”: A song about taking flight. The worst Led Zeppelin song is better than the best contemporary rock song, no matter what.


John Phillips, “Malibu People”: Warm sand, silhouettes made by the sinking sun, feeling on the cusp of something, aloneness but not loneliness … 


The Germs, “Richie Dagger’s Crime”: Raw and ugly in its kickassedness.


Bob Dylan, “I Threw It All Away”: Not just another Dylan song—words to live by.


Daniel Johnston, “Love Not Dead”: I know, I know, but really—this one rocks.


Ghostmice, “Celtic Sea”: Part of an entire album chronicling their tour through Europe, this jam’s about crossing the Celtic Sea. Sweet, sad, and funny. It’s magic.