lance tribute


A road trip is essentially just a long drive from one place to another. However, the nature of driving dictates that you have to stop all the time, to get gas, to pee, to eat, to go back and find your sunglasses that flew off when you dumbly stuck your head out the sun roof to make sure the inflatable tube was still strapped on properly. And without the proper partner in crime, none of these stops, nor the hours of boring-ass time behind the wheel, would be nearly as pleasurable.


So this little statement is really a tribute to Lance, who came with me to the Montana wedding despite not really knowing anyone there, and without whom I wouldn’t have had to stop every 45 minutes to pee (believe it or not, I can hold it longer than him!) thereby getting to see countless rest-stops, gas stations, highway-side wilderness, and the amazing 50,000 Silver Dollars establishment.



There actually was 50,000 silver dollars in here, see!


We were also the only couple that I know of who made use of the turn-of-century double-seated outhouse at the wedding to both go pee at once. Too much information? Sorry. Anyway, not sure what I’m trying to say exactly, except that having to do stuff by yourself all the time isn’t all that it’s cracked up to be. Like, even when someone pissed you off because they refused to skate the slippery Missoula skatepark with you, then suddenly they’re the one behind the wheel driving the really shit leg with the late afternoon sun blazing like brimstone through the windshield. And I guess that's what love is. You know what I mean?


Much discussion was had over the insanity of this two-man outhouse. However, when you think it about, it really does save time, and no one has to wait outside holding anyone else's purse, et cetera.


After enough glasses of wine, you start seeing like the "party mode" on your digital camera.


Photography of Lance.


More photography of Lance, featuring me as a pregnant woman.