October life


I love fall, I think I’ve said this before. I love these warm liveable days. I love it when there’s fifty kinds of weather in one day—the air’s all charged and the heavens are a jumble of purple clouds split by points of pale sunshine. It was amidst this scenario that we stopped by Tigard on Saturday. Billy blasted backside ollies, while Catherine acted as a coat rack due to her bum knee. Then on to Newberg for a sunny afternoon of trick learning, or trick re-learning, as the case may be. Burritos along Main Street Newberg, then a quiet drive home through a festival of rainbows. A perfect Saturday, if you ask me.


What else? We just finished watching The Good, The Bad, And The Ugly last night. An old classic, but I’d never seen it. Three hours long and pretty slow—it wasn’t my favorite movie ever, but the last 40 minutes got me. I’ve never seen a depiction of the Civil War quite like that. When Blondie and Tuco stumble upon the Union army staked out by the bridge … it’s like the Vietnam pictured in Apocalypse Now. Dark, intense, chaotic … and sort of futile. And Tuco’s desperate sprint through the cemetery at the end—he’s scrambling for the confederate gold, but all you see is the ocean of fresh graves in the background. So many dead.


Anyway, see that tag line? Amazing.