How To Get Hitched In The Mountains

IMG_1186 The truth? The truth is that we're all inextricable romantics given the right moment/situation. Even the cynics. Even the hard of heart. Given the right moment/situation, there we'll all be at some point with hands gripped over hearts, big tears being blinked away, et cetera.

Oddly enough, a wedding isn't always that moment/situation. But! The wedding I went to this weekend was.


I watched Tricia and Cairo get married in the old fashioned way—outside in the fresh air in front of all of their people under the high-country sun that cast long shadows in the late afternoon.

First, we all sat in wooden chairs and talked and laughed. Then, a quiet fell on the crowd. A wind whispering of fall set the aspen leaves clicking. Finally, out came Trish to the tune of a string band, looking, in her pale dress and veil, almost exactly like a flower. Right there in the meadow, both her and Cairo read some lines they’d written about each other—about magical first acquaintances and perfect matches, about holding each other up (most especially in tough times), about what exactly it feels like to be in love.

The rest of the night was a blur of Pimms and caramel cupcakes. And other things that cause dizziness the following morning but which are, at the time, consumed with the utmost noble intent of celebration.

Hooray for love!


Pretty Trish.


Griz, getting a snapshot of that rock!


This pic may not communicate it, but the dance floor = bumping, all night long.