On Prince, et Cetera

IMG_1805 Dancing isn't a super-coveted activity for me, and I don't worship at the altar of Prince like some. But, if I must dance, it shall be to Prince. This is how I really feel.

So naturally, when I get invited to a birthday party where a Prince cover band is playing (not just any Prince cover band—the best Prince cover band in the WORLD) I always go. And I dance.

Such was the occasion on Saturday night. A crowded dance floor. Neon spotlights reflecting our neon hearts. A lot of touching. Prince, as you know, is very sexual. Now, try to imagine my surprise when the band played "Nothing Compares 2 U." A Prince cover band covering a Sinead O'Connor song? Fucking meta! Thought I. But as a fellow to my left told me , Prince wrote that song. It's a Prince song! I apologize for my tardiness on this matter. The world is, was, and always will be a baffling place to me.