What You've Been Up To

FullSizeRender Oh hi. What have you been up to? Me? I've been trying to work. But it's damn, damn January and all the companies who hire me are just waking up from a long holiday slumber. As such, there's no real projects cracking yet, and projects are what get me paid (and soothe my pathological inability to relax).

I cannot tell a lie, I've been feeling a little useless lately. It happens every year. The darkness and rain of mid-winter mixed with a sense of treading water. I'm a baby. This is basic boredom. But the work-like tasks I've been giving myself (update your portfolio, prune the rose bushes, repaint the fireplace) haven't been doing the trick to get me jazzed on life. I mean, where is all that effervescent joy we used to know?! Like, back in summer and stuff?


Sorry, that got depressing really quick. It's okay! Life is grand, and I've been taking a lot of pleasure in cooking simple things from scratch using this cool book my mum got me for Christmas. It's all about how to make at home the basics you'd usually buy at the store. Hummus. Milk. Yogurt. Just do it yourself. Dial 'em in how you like them. Way cheaper, better, and healthier, too, without all the additives and such.

Yes, I've been learning a lot. Did you know, for instance, that the very best thing to spread on a piece of toast is not butter, like I'd once thought, but rather a rich, lemony tahini sauce? I just found this out. Wonders never cease.

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