Work-Life Balance

Screen Shot 2016-05-02 at 1.41.05 PM Check it out. Mostly what I write about on here is life. I mean it's life, man! Work takes up half of life, tho—maybe even more on some weeks. So without any more ado, here are a few fun things I've been typing up lately.

The cool thing is, at least one of these projects came out of meeting rad strangers at the skatepark (this has happened to me more than once! which is why all my skate expenses are a legit write-offs ;).

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My buds at Teva have me writing their Insta posts. I'm paid in dollar bills not double taps tho.


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I love food. I love writing. By the transitive properties, I love writing about food. Been doing the summer Portland Mercury ads for Pine State Biscuits. Yay for biscuits!



I grew up a hopeless nerd, and ball sports bewilder me. Despite my obvious failings in this matter, my pal Scott let me help him and CDS with this bad-ass brand book for the Texas Tech University athletic department. It was hard and fun ultimately one of the coolest projects I've worked on in a while. Maybe there's a lesson here? I guess probably.

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