Puppy 2.0

FullSizeRender 4 By now you probably figure me insane. All I ever talk about is dogs and backyard mini ramps. And forest-bathing. (Ah, but aren't those the good things in life?)

I thought I'd tell you the story of Piney. If you're one of my people, then you already know Piney is my pup—Puppy 2.0, we call him. We adopted him from the Humane Society out in Hermiston. Roving farmland. Watermelon country. What happened was, I had a right-hand man named Lefty, and he died. I took some time, and then I got another puppy and called him Durango. He was a magical beast—part St. Bernard, part panda bear. I loved him impossibly much. And he died.

This is old news. The heartbreak that was Winter 2016.

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What you may not know is that, no joke, ten days after Durango died, we went and adopted Piney. In the hush that falls between Christmas and New Years, we kicked solitarily around the house, did chores, put dog toys away in closets. But try as I might, I could not forget what needs forgetting. And so in between snowstorms, I made Mark drive me out to Eastern Oregon to pick up another puppy.


To his credit, Mark said he thought it was too early. I joke with him now—"At least I beg you for puppies, instead of begging you to have babies like a normal girlfriend!"

I believe there's no such thing as "too early" when it comes to providing shelter and love for a critter in need. I also believe I could've waited a little longer. With that said, every creature, humans and dogs included, is so damn different. No matter how long you wait, you will not get your old pal back. So F it. Bring on the puppies—and all the joy that comes with them.


Three months later, we're just getting to know Piney still. He has a fierce streak about his food bowl. He pees with joy when he sees someone he truly loves. He sun bathes. He howls. He dawdles over dandelions. These are all revelations—Lefty did none of these things. What will Puppy 2.0 turn into?! Will he fetch? Will he swim? I can't wait to see. Here's to new friends (and never forgetting the old ones). Here to new adventures (and all those old, happy memories).

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