Canada Mega Post

20374724_10211200971478941_8214436336043134742_n I'm a healthier, happier person after spending 5 days in interior B.C.—everyday another exploration in the forest, and everyday another constitutional swim in cold, clear water. Those lakes were so clear that my shadow spooked me more than once, way down where it was on the bottom of the lake. Overhead, the sky was very blue, except where it wasn't because of billowing plumes of smoke. Wildfires are real, and they're a way of life in Canada.

Up in Canada, where we basked and wandered, eating peanut butter and jelly sandwiches at will. The only hurry was which recreational activity to do next. I'd pester Mark to rush so we could go outside. Because that's just what you do up there.


Piney did dog things like play with the Canadian dogs and splash-and-bite the Canadian lakes. In Nelson, he met Pillow, Bree and Kale—a husky, Great Pyrenees and Australian shepherd respectively. In Trout Lake, he ran off into town with Al's Siberian Husky, Rider, and got a taste of that wild freedom afforded to the country pup. He liked what he tasted ... too much. In Revelstoke, he ripped around a beatific farm with Qimmiq, a low-riding Aussie with a whistle-pig squeal. Although Piney will have many more adventures and live happily every after, he still just wishes we left him in Canada.


Meanwhile, at Kootaney Lake. 


All the hips in Nelson, B.C. 


Had lovely hangs with my ol friend Mark Fawcett and his new pup Kale Chip on their private beach. Life is good in Nelson.


My pal Al Clarke built this baby cabin with his 2 hands. I know him from 20 years ago, back when we were both traveling the world as itinerant snowboarders. He's a legend and quintessential mountain man. How lucky that we get to hang together again all these years later!


Typical Trout Lake views.


Backyard secrets of the North country. 

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Stu's fabulous farm, where I foraged a handful of black raspberries and plucked 3 delicious pea pods off their vine.


Revelstoke National Park was stupid beautiful. There was a grizz wandering the area, but we didn't see him. Only us up there with the wind and wildflowers.