Thursday Three

1. Bruce & Barack’s Podcast Renegades

Despite the Boss wearing much too much makeup in his recent blue-collar Superbowl commercial (that earned him white-collar coin), I respect his influence and oeuvre. The River, gah. What a song. Now, listening to him shoot the shit with Michelle Obama’s husband about being a dad and about their dads, about going on road trips and chasing girls and growing up poor in two different Americas, well, I would recommend. With age comes emotional intelligence and the ability to see your life in context — part of human culture and history. You can look back and start understanding the big What Happened, to you, and to your country. That’s just what they do.


2. Falling Back Asleep To The Rain

You think you’re invincible to sleep for the day, that your battle has been won and now you’ll climb down the ladder to ignite a cup of coffee. But then the rain starts a rattle on the corrugated roof, birds sing their spring morning song, smells of deepest forest climb through the dusty window screen and … 


3. Going Gray

I never liked my hair color, it was always too noncommittal. So I spent my youth committing in the extreme. In high school: purple, blue, and green Manic Panic, and once I went black at the tips (think: goth, not ombre). In college: bleach turned my roots an incandescent blonde but the rest of my mop a horror of orange. The white roots created the unsettling illusion that I was balding. I gave up dying my hair a few years back after developing a specific aversion to the way dyed hair looks. (Artificial, dishonest.) And fuck, it was too much work to keep up, which upon self examination I wasn’t doing for me — but rather for “them.” These days, the hair at my temples has turned white. Finally something interesting! 

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