April showers, april visits, april asparagus hash

April is an interesting month. Not winter anymore. Not summer yet. Spring, I think they call it. Cool rains soak all things, and then the sky blues deeply and the sunshine’s like a shot of straight happiness to your chest cavity. That’s how this weekend worked, at least.


Claudia, Java, Carmella, and Jardine. With a bounty of southern cookin'.

My good friend Jardine visited—she’s been a road warrior around the greater Northwest area and touched down for five days in a nest of gearbags in my basement. She was patient with me being busy as hell and patient with the cats having 3 a.m. standoffs over the prize territory that was her air mattress. We ate many amazing meals, including one at The Screen Door with asparagus hash from heaven.

What else?


Been watching: The Breakfast Club. (RIP John Hughes.) It’s been a while, and it really hit me this time—this is a dark movie. Sixteen Candles? Funny. The Breakfast Club—kinda depressing. High school’s a pressure cooker and I wouldn’t go back there for a million bucks.


Been reading: Everything Matters! An intriguing coming of age thing about the apocalypse with a twist on “omniscient narrator.”


Been listing to: Lucero, "The Prayer." A nice pause to your day—weeping fiddles and a sweet prayer from the throat of Ben Nichols.