Three Things

IMG_2891 New car: I did not "bargain hard." I'm civilized, I just paid what they asked. It's possible that I got hosed. Actually, I'm feeling pretty broke now—but Lefty's happy and anything for the kid, ya know?

Front stoops: I wish I had a front porch. What is it about them? They're better than back porches. There's a potentiality there—hanging on the stoop, you could see someone you know and yell hey and they might come over and tell you about a show or a party going on later, maybe, or you could see a cute dog walking by and go out to force cuddle it, et cetera. The other night, we sat on Colleen's front porch, under white twinkly lights, safe from the spring rain, and everyone felt really happy and comfortable to be among friends and to not be stuck inside.

The Drop: A hard-boiled Brooklyn crime movie with a crazy little twist at the end. Y'all know how I feel about Tom Hardy (he's my guy), but James Gandolfini (RIP) and Noomi Rapace (the chick from the Swedish Girl With The Dragon Tattoo movies) are so, so great, too.