Hey California

Screen Shot 2015-09-15 at 2.07.58 PM I didn't like living in California and never wanted to be a "Californian." It was nothing personal. I just felt super strangled by the huge population and all that SoCal showmanship. Also, get this—I didn't like the fucking weather!

When I first moved to Portland, it was scummy—scummy with a heart of gold. Regular-ass people lived here! And hippies. And some rockers. I'm okay with all of these things.

Anyway, this is just a long-winded way of saying that I saw 2 things recently that made me stop and take note, made me really comprehend what we've all been thinking: Portland is becoming California.

1. The ABOVE photo of the Palmer glacier (or lack thereof) via KGW reporter Rod Hill's Facebook page. I guess it doesn't rain here anymore? And dang, remember when we used to snowboard on Mt. Hood in the summertime?!

2. THIS article reporting that a Bay Area investment company bought the Towne Storage building and kicked out all the renters. Later, Burnside! I mean it's only a matter of time ...

Complaining is whatever, and I try not to do it. "I miss the old blah blah blah ..." Also, memory lane can be tricky. I'm sure there were plenty of hate-able things about Portland a decade ago. However, I think it's okay to allow some room for nostalgia and to note that, despite there being no real inherent badness to change, if the things you moved here for aren't here anymore, then maybe it's time to make a change of your own?

Like, where's that next-next spot? I'm gonna be doing some thinking about this ...