Positively October

IMG_1025 The first week of October, already gone. And I turned 30 something last week. It was the loveliest day, I barely did a thing. Worked a little, skated a little, laid on the deck in the sun with the cat.

As I got to reminiscing on the past year, I realized something: this summer was the very best summer of my life. At least in recent memory. In non little kid memory. It came on hot and fast. We went swimming every weekend. I skated a ton and went out a ton—on warm Saturday nights, always pedaling my bike down Alameda Street, headed toward Alberta, toward friends, toward tacos. Brooding was near non existent, and wasted angst was kept to a minimum. It was great, I did what I wanted ... which is all you could ever really ask for in a summer.

Anyway, it should make all y'all 20 somethings glad to know. Things never dry up. There's always more. Nope, no shortage of bounty as the years go on. Trying to say the good times will be over at such and such an age—hey that's just a myth we keep telling ourselves.




