naked ladies and so on

It's a bit of a tradition around here. Bunch of females clean out their closets of unwanted clothes, get together over like eight bottles of wine, dump all said clothes on the ground, and pillage the pile. One can find many new treasures amidst other people's castaway junk. It's officially called the "Naked Lady Party" (I believe cuz there's a tradition of people getting naked right there in the living room to try stuff on? Which didn't actually happen—sorry gentlemen). Definitely try this. And make sure to invite people who got good style. And people who work at large apparel companies. And people who are really really good at thrift-storing. Yeah I had all the right ingredients at my Naked Lady Party. My favorite finds? A handsome vintage purple house dress, Cathy's old skate jeans that fit me like a glove, and a lot of "wicking" performance workout wear via Nike and Ashley. Awesome.



After! P.S. it was Melissa's birthday and after we pillaged the clothes pile we ate cake out on the back patio.


Cinematic Magic


180 South and stuff