autumn weekend

Well so that new Nike bowl I keep talking about got finished a few days ago (see above). It's, like, perfect. I seized my opportunity, knowing it might be the only one, and materialized right when the boyz were sweeping up the last pile of sawdust. And guys, it's good. Nice birch, pretty, smooth and fast, and coping like stepping on a silver bullet.

Lance got so fired up that he front-boarded the railing that leads up to the new bowl. Unlike other rickety-ass wooden handrails, Ben Mohr built this one, so of course it didn't disintegrate into a pile toothpicks. Quality craftsmanship. Sorry ’bout the blurry photo.

And after many long hours adding up to long days where many important deadlines were met, I drove over to Dude Barn for an impromptu Q. The sun was catching the crimson leaves just right on broadway, and it's October, people, have you noticed?


AZ Awesomeness


For Melissa