On Moonrise Kingdom

I may be the last person on earth to do so, but I saw Moonrise Kingdom last night. Love you, Wes!

I defy you to find a better representation of how kids are little beings with adult-sized emotions and no idea how to deal with them. And how many (most) adults are big beings with life-sized emotions and no idea how to deal with them. Plus, Bill Murray, because he's a tragi-comedy genius. Plus, Bruce Willis, because he nails the lovable loser thing. Plus, Francis McDormand, because she's great.

Anyhoo, Jamie and I stopped at the Observatory for a drinksie beforehand, and it's possible that I was tipsy, but the entirety of the movie's 90s minutes floored me. And I left the theater all full of want. I wanted blue eyeshadow, STAT. I wanted a canoe. I wanted a peter-pan-collar dress for me and funky glasses for Lance and I wanted the two of us to escape to a solitary beach where I'd read aloud to him in front of the fire and we'd know that everything we cared about in the world was right THERE.


Among Other Things


Something Different