Been Thinking

IMG_0370 Did y'all notice the rain's back? It's okay. It's only February. It's only water. Last week's epic global-warming weather, though, or the February fakeout, or whatever it was, got me thinking about this one camping trip last summer and how I want to go back to there. Soon. As soon as possible, really.

The spot's at the beach up on a little hillside—a hideaway from such things as people and wind. To the west: the Pacific ocean and then Japan.

It's where we staggered up a dune and watched the sun disappear. It's where I tucked my tent into this magnificent tree grove and then popped my air mattress on a branch. It's where we abandoned the fire to roam the beach in the dark, discovering how bioluminescent algae made our steps glow in the wet sand. It's where I kicked the dog out of the tent due to mouth breathing and he never even wandered off—just lay there on guard all night as dictated by the primal purpose of his species and breed. It's where, the next morning, we woke up thirsty and hungover—but then pooled the rest of our water to make everyone a cup of coffee.


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