Odd Thoughts, Summer, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski Odd Thoughts, Summer, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski

Holiday Observances

FullSizeRender Like ghosts—there to be observed or ignored—several important holidays passed through our world in the last few days.

The first was the summer solstice, which marks the longest day of the year and the warm season emerging. A lovely passage. On this day there was, cosmically, a ripe full moon, just as ripe as the many ears of corn that showed up to my house on summer-solstice eve, brought for the grill by all my friends—along with other good fare like bean salad and French onion dip—to celebrate the day and the season.


The second was Go Skateboarding Day. I'm not exactly sure what the origin of this holiday is—maybe just a marketing ploy cooked up by some companies? Still, the intention is nice, and meaning is all I try take away from any holiday, anyway. Last year, Go Skate Day was action packed, but this year, what I did was work all day and then skate one of my favorite ramps in the late sunshine. A few buds. Some beers. It was, as they say, mellow.

Of course, we don't need holidays to eat, drink and do special stuff—life is reason enough. But then again, there's something to be said for ritual and how it grounds you and keeps you present. That's just my opinion, mind you.

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*This was not a make, but life ain't all makes, now is it?

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Nature, Summer, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski Nature, Summer, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski

3 Things: Heat-Wave & Family Themed

IMG_4915 100 Degrees: A wave of 100-degree weather came to visit at the same time as my family. Being an Oregonian, I do not possess air conditioning. Being a consummate Portland tour guide, my pride was deeply hurt that my guests were miserable due to the heat. We bickered, sweated, and generally annoyed each other into exhaustion. Many of the activities I'd planned were suddenly a no go. I was stressed. In my mind, things were headed to disastersville—but my big sister talked me down. The weather is the weather and there's nothing to be done about it. Also? The Platonic ideal of a family visit does not need to be achieved. All we really need to do is go sit on a semi-decent beach somewhere—swimming as necessary. And that's what we did.


Berry picking: The heat eventually broke and it was beautifully cool. Thus, we went berry picking on Sauvie Island. What happened was, we wandered around a farm, up and down rows hanging heavy with fruit. Yellow raspberries. Cohos. Tulameens. Early blueberries. Etc. Only about 45% of the berries picked went into the box instead of our mouths. How is this a profit-making business?! We wondered allowed. A few hours later with sunburnt necks and tired feet, we realized—oh, we're doing their work for them! I get it nowwwww.


Pream Pizza: I wanted to bring my out-of-towners somewhere "Portland," so we descended upon a baroque pizza place that started as a hip-hop pop up inside a fancy charcuterie joint. Are you following? This is Portland, guys. Aaaanyway, the menu was on the fancy tip, but pretenses aside, the cooks accommodated our crowd of vegans and picky tweens alike. Once all was said and done, we were full from eating lots of good food, and that's a happy way to be.


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Books, Music, Moviez, Faves, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski Books, Music, Moviez, Faves, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski

Favorites 5.17.16

The Witch: This movie's been on my mind. What was it even really about? When I think on the pilgrims—the way they were living alone out there in the savage wilderness of a savage land with nothing to warm them but a healthy fear of hellfire—well that's enough to be a real-life horror story right there. Anyway, hats off to the spookiest soundtrack ever, in my opinion.

Skylights in your bedroom: While in Tofino, I stayed in a cabin with two big skylights over the bed. During the day, 'twas the coziest sunny roost for reading and naps. And at night? The room became the dominion of starlight.

A possible love interest for Brienne Of Tarth in Game Of Thrones: Long have I loved Brienne—her bad-ass manner, and the way she's always regally professing her loyalty-unto-death to people. It's a good personality trait, no? But in the latest episode, did you catch that spark between her and the wildling chief? Girl deserves to get some action.

Beat pesto: Red wine vinegar and beats roasted into oblivion. Almonds and olive oil. Plenty of garlic. Through a process of alchemy, this stuff becomes so much more than the sum of its parts. Sweet, tangy and über rich. A song in your mouth—and shit, I'm not even a lover of beats. Happily, the job of making it paints your hands the brightest pink.

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Faves, Sustenance, Travel Jennifer Sherowski Faves, Sustenance, Travel Jennifer Sherowski

3 Things

FullSizeRender Saturday Skate Day: In summer, Saturdays are set aside for skateboarding all the day. Due to this Saturday being glorious, we revived the tradition. Errands were set aside. Tacos were made a priority. Life is just better when the sun is out.

The Shawshank RedemptionDid y’all know this is streaming on Netflix right now? A classic, written, oddly enough, by Steven King. Hope versus despair. Good versus evil. Plus, Tim Robbins and a young Morgan Freeman. Def worth a second, or third, or fourth watch.

A Spring Vacation: Sure, I just got back from New England, but to be clear, I don't consider that a "spring vacation." It was like flying back in time two months, weather-wise, back into tear-wrenching 30-degree wind and other East-Coast-in-April mysteries. But next year! I do plan to escape somewhere sun drenched and warm—hot even. Maybe catch a swim and a sun burn? I imagine it to be good for the health of my body, brain and soul.

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Books, Music, Moviez, Faves, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski Books, Music, Moviez, Faves, Sustenance Jennifer Sherowski

Favorites 3.21.16

South Paw: I don't like Jake Gyllenhaal. (As an actor—I don't know him personally.) And yet. And YET! I liked him in this.

Going to the dump: Have you been to the dump lately?! You drive into the entrance with your load of, say, scrap wood, they ask you what you have, and then they direct you to an aircraft-sized hangar—of which there are many, each with a giant pile in the middle. Piles of TVs. Piles of mattresses. Piles of plastic. Piles of building materials. Piles everywhere! Creatures picking through all of them looking for even the tiniest morsel of value. It's fascinating. We should all know what happens to our trash after we toss it out to the curb.

Arugula: In love as in food, the bitter things make everything else sweeter. Aaaanyway, I'm super down for this bitter green right now, especially a pile of it raw and chopped up on a bowl of spaghetti or plate of cheese pizza. If you haven't tried it, do.

Coyote Wall in the spring: On Saturday, also known as the sunny weekend day, we drove way out into the Columbia River Gorge and hiked a big ole loop up through rolling green hills sprinkled with yellow and purple blooms, through piles of dark craggy rocks and your odd haunted glade, out onto a wild, sweeping cliff line to get battered in the wind. Mt. Hood loomed the entire time. It was crazy pretty.


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